Environmental issues

Environmental issues will continue to emerge seriously in various corners of the earth along the earth's population does not immediately think of and seek safety and environmental balance. Similarly, in Indonesia, environmental issues such as if the bubble is left in line with the intensity of industrial growth, although industrialization itself is becoming a priority in development.
No small number of casualties or damage which was forced to be borne by the public without any compensation that is comparable from the industry. Although the process remains ongoing environmental destruction and losses incurred shall be borne by many, but the exact solution still can not be found.Even on the other hand there have actually been the law of the Environment Act, but still solving environmental problems at a stalemate. It thus is basically caused by the presence of a gaping gap is maintained between the public, industry and government including law enforcement officers. Quaint impression can be seen more clearly if we try to consider the responses and perceptions of the issue authorized pihakn lingkungn life, good judges, prosecutors, police, lawyers, businessmen and the general public. Responses and their perceptions about the concept, context, substance and environmental pensangannan sangant different and diverse. Though to handle a case lingkungn life, such as pollution of a river, the authorities segnap handle must have the same vision and perception about the environment, so that it can obtain an optimal solution and the perceived fair to all parties.

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Kaspa Yobel mengatakan...

kunjungan balik ya.
blognya simple banget

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